Today Colin celebrated Carnival and all the elementary school kids came in costume (I think I have in the past explained the whole Ambrosian calendar thing, Lent in the Milan area starts on Sunday). He went as the cutest Ferrari driver ever. He is on vacation for the rest of the week.
Lucia’s last day was supposed to be tomorrow, all the pre-school kids come in costume and there is a parade and a big party. Lucia was going to wear her princess dress from last year (what else?). However, as soon as she figured out that Colin was off school, she refused to go. I even offered to take her only for the parade and party in the afternoon, and still, no deal. She will absolutely not stand for the idea that Colin is home while she is not.
Here is Colin in his cool Ferrari driver outfit. I'm hoping that this does not presage what he is going to be like when he gets his license as a teenager!
Too CUTE! I am sure that is a VERY popular costume in Italy!
Adorable! Colin is going to be such a lady killer!
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