The recital began at 8:30pm (on a school night, only in Italy) and Colin was third on the program. It started a bit shaky. The lights go down, the audience settles into their seats, and the first performer is announced, little Annalisa. She didn't even make it out of her seat, she was too terrified to perform. We move on to little Alice, she makes it out of her seat, to the piano, and performs her two little songs, quite well I might add, but with a terrified look on her face, and a few tears slipping down her cheeks. I'm starting to get a bit worried, Colin is a bit shy, and I thought seeing the other 2 little girls his age crumble under the pressure might shake him a bit. But as soon as Alice finished, he popped up from his seat, before they had even called his name, and strode to the piano. He looked so wonderfully happy and confident. He played his 2 little pieces perfectly, with accompaniment from his teacher, and even flashed a smile to the crowd at the end. Marco and I were beaming with pride, truly one of the proudest moments of my life, a night I won't soon forget.
The photo isn't great, but for what it's worth....

I haven't had a chance to post for a while, but as an update, Colin got a cool new bike, and he's loving it.